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"In this collection, my works tell stories that concern women. I like the viewer to stop and reflect on the relationship between the female body and its environment. Glass allows me to make that culturally silenced intimacy visible. That space  we do not share, keep deep inside, that we have been silent in front of our parents, brothers, and friends for generations."

Betta Santini

"What do you bring

in your purse ?"



The collection was in the exhibition


2131 Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood, FL

August 26-Oct 22, 2022


A Bit Harder Today #1  


Glass, frit powder, razor blade, metal handles, threads

Year: 2022


Technique: Kiln-formed Glass on wood and acrylic box


Dimensions: 16,5” X 20,05”


"The soul of glass is essentially feminine due to its mixture of transparency, beauty, and apparent fragility. It can crack to dust and be reborn in a new form. Like the Fenix bird. The universe of women is also continually rebuilt in the face of the ups and downs of destiny. Days of crying and laughing. Easy and difficult days."


Devil’s Nipples #1  


Glass, metal spikes, metal handles, threads, acrylic chain


Year 2022


Technique: Kiln-formed Glass on wood and acrylic box


Dimensions: 16,5” X 20,05”


"Eve and Mary, demon and deity, prostitute and saint, in the duality of our culture there is no room for nuance. Redemption or condemnation.

Breasts as a quintessential symbol of femininity are a source of joy and shame. The breasts symbolize food, life, but also temptation, and sin. They seem designed to serve and satisfy the physical and sexual hunger of others."


"We don't always choose what we want. Survival and emotional security often force submissive relationships for the woman who is forced into the confinement of her own body. To the prison of a determined and totally controlled life.

Insecurity and poverty. Uncertainty about the future. Women were silenced by fear of poverty and girls turned into premature wives. Girls who have children.

Barter relations in which the object of exchange is the woman. His body and his soul."


Catch of the Day #1


 Glass, metal spikes, metal handles, threads, acrylic chain


Year: 2022


Technique: Kiln-formed Glass on wood and acrylic box


Dimensions: 16,5” X 20,05”


Private Property #1


 Glass, metal spikes, metal handles, threads, acrylic chain


Year: 2022


Technique: Kiln-formed Glass on wood and acrylic box


Dimensions: 16,5” X 20,05”


"There is no containment for the pain of a body broken by others, no safe haven. Without autonomy, motherhood is overshadowed, and with it the freedom to give life.

We remain silent out of modesty, out of fear. We are silent in front of them and, among ourselves, we are also silent. But the silence is purple and loudly it overflows"


"When the exceptional becomes every day, the body gets used to it and so does the mind. Femicide, verbal violence, physical violence. Words are dimmed and meanings are absent and disappear. Female suffering becomes inconsequential, trivial, frivolous, and vacuous. One more word in the crossword. A hobby"


Crosswords #3


 Glass, metal spikes, metal handles, threads, acrylic chain


Year: 2022


Technique: Kiln-formed Glass on wood and acrylic box


Dimensions: 16,5” X 20,05”


"Frequently the gaze stops at the brightness of the surface without imagining what is in the background where everything that we try to cover rests. However, memories and losses are undeniable realities. They are like blades that memory grazes again and again."


Survival  #3  

Glass, razors blades, metal handles, threads

Year : 2022


Technique: Kiln-formed Glass on wood and acrylic box


Dimensions: 16,5” X 20,05”


Enough - NFT #1

 Original NFT Video available at OpenSea 


Year: 2022

Dimensions: Video Prints are available with Infinite Objects in the 3 sizes: Small 4.5' x 6.4', Large 5.8'x 8.4' and X-Large 7.5'x 11.4'

"Eve and Mary, demon and deity, prostitute and saint, in the duality of our culture there is no room for nuance. Redemption or condemnation.

Breasts as a quintessential symbol of femininity are a source of joy and shame. The breasts symbolize food, life, but also temptation, and sin. They seem designed to serve and satisfy the physical and sexual hunger of others."


"There are unforeseeable situations that shake us and disrupt the order of our world. The pandemic had that effect on all of us. It was imposed on us and alerted us to the fragility of existence. Just like glass, COVID-19 also allowed us to see ourselves, undressed us, and led us to recognize ourselves in others. For many, the pandemic gave a new meaning to existence and a better appreciation for nature and for life. A greater hope. Because that's what life is all about, movement and change"


Once upon a time... #1



Year: 2022

Technique: Kiln-formed Glass 

Dimensions: Installation

Edith Monge curated this collection
In Exhibition at Artis Fine Arts
Aug 26 - Oct 22, 2022

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